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Studying to be a Dietitian in Germany

In general, the education of dietitians in Germany is unique in that it is neither 'vocational training' nor 'university (academic) training'.  This provides health professionals with a high standard of professional knowledge with a primary focus on applied work, as opposed to research or independent academic work.  Only state licensed schools can conduct educational programmes for state registered dietitians.  Currently, two German universities of applied sciences have offered academic programs for dietitians that lead to a Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics: 

The University of Applied Sciences in Fulda and the University of Applied Sciences in Neubrandenburg: 

These universities of applied sciences may offer lessons in the English language; however, tuition will be in the German language. 

The education of dietitians comprises 3,050 hours of theoretical training and 1,400 hours of practical training. The VDD cannot assist dietetic students in finding a practical placement in Germany.  In particular, prospective students from outside the EU should be aware that finding a placement and meeting visa requirements might take quite some time.

The three-year program ends with a theoretical, practical and oral state examination.  Successful graduates obtain the title of 'Diätassistent/in' (dietitian) and are registered within the state (Bundesland) where the examination took place. 

Since 2013, two different routes for the academic recognition of dietitians have been launched in Germany.  Both routes lead to a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and comply with the legal requirements concerning the education and work of dietitians in Germany.  Furthermore, the non-academic route offers more hours of training compared to some academic dietetic programmes in other European countries.